make an impact today

Support YEF’s mission by contributing today.

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Yarmouth Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, making all donations tax-deductible and directly impactful to our mission.

Thank you for your generous support!

Other Ways to Support Us:

  • Clipper Honors Program: Scroll down, or click here to learn more.

  • Corporate Matching Gifts: Check with your employer about matching gift programs to amplify your donation.

  • Corporate Sponsorship: Gain company exposure through sponsorship; learn more on our Sponsors page.

Why give?

  • Support the professional development of Yarmouth educators to ensure students benefit from the most up-to-date, evidence-based practices.

  • Fund innovative programs and resources that help Yarmouth students meet their maximum potential.

  • Thank a teacher or staff member who has had a positive impact in your child's life through the Clipper Honors Program.

Thank an Educator
with clipper honors

The Clipper Honors Program allows families to thank an educator or staff member with a personal message and a $10 gift card to Royal River Books. When you make a donation of $25 or more to the Yarmouth Education Foundation, YEF will send your message and gift card to the educator of your choice.

Honor an educator and support education — donate $25 or more today!


  • Revenue during the 2024 fiscal year was approximately $71,280.  The majority of this revenue (approximately $50,174) came in the form of individual contributions given during YEF’s Annual Appeal campaign.  Almost all of the additional revenue was raised through corporate sponsorships ($11,500) as well as our Clipper Honors program ($9,190). 

  • YEF designates 75 percent of the prior fiscal year revenue to fund grants.

  • Yes! YEF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations are tax deductible. Save your receipt!

  • Yes! You can absolutely donate by check. Please make the check out to YEF and mail it to 101 McCartney St., Yarmouth, ME 04096.

  • School budgets are increasingly under financial pressure, and while Yarmouth schools do an excellent job covering core services, there isn’t much left over to cover special, innovative initiatives. This is where YEF dollars come in. YEF only funds projects that are not core to school budgets, like building a new STEAM lab at Yarmouth Elementary or professional development to ensure our teachers are up to date on the most effective, evidence-based practices.